“Einsame Klasse”: Peter Grimes in Munich

The revival of Stefan Herheim’s production of Peter Grimes at the Bayerische Staatsoper was a great success. Soloists, chorus, orchestra and conductor were ecstatically celebrated by the audience. “Einsame Klasse” (in a class of his own), was the headline in the Süddeutsche Zeitung, “With Jonas Kaufmann in the title role, ‘Peter Grimes’ becomes an hour of glory”.

The review in the web forum Klassik begeistert reads: “Kaufmann showed again this evening that he at the top in his field. The role – Britten once wrote it for his partner Peter Pears – is demanding and vocally in

the Heldentenor range. When it matters, Kaufmann sings strongly and confidently against the village community in the big choral scenes, but he also shows the great palette of his voice in the wonderfully intimate passages that border on the pianissimo. His acting is no less convincing. He is not only a gifted performer of the great heroes and lovers, but also of the desperate anti-hero.”

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The Munich production of “Chenier” on DVD and Blu-ray

“This fast-paced narrative with its realistic dialogue between characters and its emotional arch almost gives one the impression that Giordano would have liked to make a feature film, yet did not yet have the necessary technology at his disposal. In fact, at the same time as this opera was being written and premiered, film was also being born." With these words, director Philipp Stölzl also described an essential aspect of his production of Giordano's Andrea Chenier at the Bavarian State Opera: the stage is presented as a "split screen" that simultaneously shows the "upper and lower" social classes during the French Revolution. This December 2017 revival of the production, conducted by Marco Armiliato, was recorded and recently released on DVD and Blu-ray on the Bavarian State Opera’s record label. "Jonas Kaufmann, Anja Harteros and George Petean shine in an imaginative yet faithful production by Philipp Stölzl. The then 78-year-old Brian Large proves once again that he is the best of all classical music videomakers." (Merker online)