Turandot on television and radio

Lots of bravos at the Vienna State Opera: Asmik Grigorian in the title role, Jonas Kaufmann as Calaf and Kristina Mkhitaryan as Liu as well as the chorus and orchestra of the Vienna State Opera under the direction of Marco Armiliato received rapturous applause at the premiere of the new production of Puccini’s Turandot (December 7, directed by Claus Guth). The performance will be broadcast on tv: ORF 2 on December 16 at 20:15. The radio recording will follow on January 6 at 19:30 on Ö1. photo: Monika Rittershaus

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It’s Christmas – Gold Edition

It is a great pleasure for me that I was able to expand my Christmas album again, this time with poems and stories that are as much a part of Christmas for me as the candles on the Christmas tree. First of all, of course, there is the Christmas story from the Gospel of Luke, which is read on Christmas Eve not only in the churches but also in many families. Over the centuries, many great poets have dealt with the wonder of Christmas, and so we have been able to collect a whole range of wonderful poems here, from Goethe and Claudius to Mörike and Eichendorff to Storm and Rilke.